

We work with companies to build strong foundations for future growth by using a full sales funnel. The traditional sales funnel focuses only on bottom-funnel sales and conversions, demonstrated by re-marketing or branded keywords. To ensure the long-term growth of any business, investments need to be made in top-funnel marketing initiatives. These innovative campaigns don’t directly produce ROI – instead, they expand and build company branding, acquire new customers, and lock in repeat customers.

We think beyond traditional key performance indicators and experiment with top-funnel initiatives that focus on prospecting. The full-funnel strategy has two crucial goals: new customer acquisition & Retain/Engage existing customers. We focus on ROI, brand awareness, and testing to see what works, what doesn't, and where we can expand. Investing in the second and third steps is crucial. Solid growth relies on testing, finding new channels, experimenting with different ad types, and constantly seeking out new audiences. Even though these ventures may not immediately generate returns, they will pay off with lifetime value.